Friday, November 20, 2009

Krk Island

No, that is not a spelling error. Croatian seems to prefer consonants over vowels. Sometimes its just impossible to figure out pronunciations of Croatian words, and even if I do figure out how to pronounce something, I have absolutely no idea what it could possibly mean! There is no similarity with English or Italian or French, so trying to even get the gist of any text is just not going to happen.

Anyway, Krk Island is a little way off the coast from Rijeka. I spent ANOTHER very wet day there. It really bucketed down after lunch. In the summer, the island is a beach resort, like many of the other thousand or so island of Croatia. In the off season it's pretty much just the locals, and a few odd travelers, like me, drifting through looking not for parties and sunshine, but at the shape of the towns and the look of the people, and the feel of the ages. Krk, despite the miserable weather, had a really nice feel to it. The rain did put a damper on my plans, which included going for a hike just outside the old city. That plan went by the boards within about 10 minutes of setting out, so I had to content my self with wandering the ancient streets of the old town, and then heading back to Rijeka a couple of hours later. Maybe next time the weather will be friendlier!

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